Let us help you get the most out of your training.
Valentina will assess your nutritional needs and formulate a bespoke, science-based plan to help you get the most out of your diet and improve your overall wellbeing.
If vegan or vegetarian diets are not for you, or if you need a bespoke plan to make sure you are taking in all the nutrients your body needs to maintain optimal health and fitness, book a face to face consultation with our resident expert nutritionist – Valentina Seralvo, a nutritional biologist (BSc).
book metabolic plan
Use the code NUTR to receive £15 off your first
Valentina will assess your nutritional needs and formulate a bespoke, science-based plan to help you get the most out of your diet and improve your overall wellbeing.
Based on initial consultation and blood test results Valentina will assess your nutritional needs and formulate a bespoke, science-based nutritional plan formulated to ensure proper metabolic and hormonal function to help you to get the most out of your diet and improve your overall well-being. The cost of the plan including initial consultation, blood test and second consultation is £365.
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